Eurocámara: 141015 E­006104­/ 2014 Gibraltar — British claim

Pregunta de James Carver (EFDD-UKIP)

Respuesta de la Comisión

Question 25 July 2014 James Carver (EFDD-UKIP)

Subject: Gibraltar – British claim

Does the Council recognise the UK’s claim to sovereignty over Gibraltar, or the similar claim made by Spain?

Answer 15 October 2014 Commission

The respective views of Spain and the United Kingdom on the specific issue raised by the Honourable Member are well known, but have not been discussed in the Council.

EU legislation applies to Gibraltar by virtue of Article 355 (3) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, according to which the provisions of the Treaties apply to the European territories for whose external relations a Member State is responsible. However, Gibraltar is excluded from the customs union, the common trade policy, the common agriculture and fisheries policies and the requirement to levy VAT, and it is not part of the Schengen area.

141015 EP – Q J Carver (EFDD-UKIP) on Gibraltar-British claim, A Com (Unknown) E-006104-2014.pdf