Eurocámara: 120618 E­004205/ 2012 Gibraltar and Directive 91/477/EEC

Pregunta de Sir Graham Watson (ALDE/LibDems)

Respuesta del Comisario Tajani

Question 23 April 2012 Sir Graham Watson (ALDE/LibDems)

Subject: Gibraltar and Directive 91/477/EEC

Directive 91/477/EEC (as amended) puts in place minimum standards for the control of the acquisition and possession of weapons within the European Union. In addition, the directive lays down procedures for the transfer of firearms from one EU country to another.

What can the Commission propose to allow European firearms passes to be issued to my constituents in Gibraltar?

Answer 18 June 2012 Commissioner Tajani

Directive 91/477/EEC of 19 June 1991 establishes the principle that any transfer of firearms falling within the scope of the directive is subject to authorisation from both the authorities of the Member State of departure and those of the Member State of arrival.

Certain derogations from this principle are provided for. For example, the directive establishes the ‘European firearms pass’ which allows its holder, under certain conditions, to move in possession of a firearm more easily between Member States for activities such as hunting or competitive shooting.

However, the directive does not apply to Gibraltar(1), which is why the European firearms pass is not issued there. This does not, of course, prevent temporary or permanent transfers of firearms with other Member States as long as the necessary authorisations are obtained.

(1)   Paragraph 59 of the judgment in Case C‑30/01.

120618 EP – Q G Watson (ALDE-LibDems) on Gibraltar and Directive 91-477-EEC, A Com Tajani E-004205-2012.pdf