Eurocámara 231207: E-002487/2023 Incidentes graves en las aguas territoriales españolas de Gibraltar

Jordi Cañas (Renew-C’s)

Respuesta del Vicepresidente Šefčovič

Pregunta 30 de agosto 2023 Jordi Cañas (Renew-C’s)

Asunto: Incidentes graves en las aguas territoriales españolas de Gibraltar

A lo largo de agosto 2023, ocurrieron tres incidentes graves en aguas territoriales españolas cercanas al peñón de Gibraltar. En el primero, el barco metanero Gas Venus, de bandera panameña, derramó combustible en Gibraltar durante una operación de bunkering[1], que es contraria a las prohibiciones del Real Decreto 1620/2012[2]. En el segundo incidente, tres embarcaciones del servicio aduanero británico y de la Royal Navy intentaron impedir que la embarcación Colimbo II, del Servicio de Vigilancia Aduanera español, hiciera su trabajo de lucha contra el contrabando. En el último incidente, el pesquero español Mi Daniela y su patrón fueron hostigados por embarcaciones de la policía marítima gibraltareña en aguas españolas cercanas al Peñón.

Cabe recordar que el artículo X del Tratado de Utrecht de 1713 detallaba los activos cedidos a la Corona británica («la ciudad y el castillo de Gibraltar, juntamente con su puerto, defensas y fortaleza») y que entre estos no se encuentra la jurisdicción sobre las aguas territoriales. Este principio fue reafirmado en la STC 1621/2001 del Tribunal Supremo español.

Considerando lo anterior, formulo la siguiente pregunta:

¿Salvaguardará la Comisión los derechos sobre las aguas territoriales españolas de Gibraltar definidos en el Tratado de Utrecht de 1713 durante el proceso de negociación del Acuerdo de Comercio y Cooperación entre la Unión Europea y el Reino Unido?[3]

Question 30 August 2023 Jordi Cañas (Renew-C’s)

Subject: Serious incidents in Spanish territorial waters of the coast of Gibraltar

Three serious incidents occurred in Spanish territorial waters near the Rock of Gibraltar in August 2023. Firstly, the Panama-registered LNG tanker Gas Venus spilled fuel in Gibraltar while bunkering[1], which is in breach of Royal Decree 1620/2012[2]. Secondly, three vessels from the UK Revenue and Customs and the Royal Navy attempted to prevent the Spanish Customs Surveillance Service vessel Colimbo II from doing its work to combat smuggling. In the latest incident, the Spanish fishing vessel Mi Daniela and its captain were harassed by Gibraltarian maritime police vessels in Spanish waters near the Rock.

The assets ceded to the British Crown (‘the town and castle of Gibraltar, together with the port, fortifications, and forts thereunto belonging’) are set out in Article X of the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht; these do not include jurisdiction over territorial waters. This principle was reaffirmed in Spanish Supreme Court ruling 1621/2001.

In light of the above:

Will the Commission safeguard the rights over Gibraltar’s Spanish territorial waters as defined in the Treaty of Utrecht of 1713 when negotiating the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement?[3]

  • [1] ‘The permanent anchoring of bunkering tankers in the waters within the protected area is prohibited’.
  • [2]
  • [3]

Answer 24 November 2023 Vicepresident Šefčovič

The Commission is aware of the incidents raised by the Honourable Member.

The Commission recalls that, in line with Articles 4(2) and 52 of the Treaty on European Union, the EU respects the territorial integrity of Member States and that the territorial scope of the Treaties is defined by reference to the territories of the Member States where EU law applies.

The Commission, on behalf of the EU and in close cooperation with Spain, is currently negotiating an agreement with the United Kingdom in respect of Gibraltar which would ensure enhanced cooperation in the area of Campo de Gibraltar and contribute towards diminishing the occurrence of similar incidents.

231124 EP Q Jordi Cañas (Renew- Cs) Serious incidents in Spanish territorial waters of the coast of Gibraltar, A Vicepresidente Šefčovič E-002487-2023